Thursday, 4 June 2020

Google Ranking Factors

Continued with the last topic regarding ranking in google below are the factors affecting and helping to index in Google top searches.

Rank in Google

1. Domain Factor(Domain Age, Url and Authority):

You know what maximum sites which are trending on Google at top have completed near around 2 to 3 years. It means it is very difficult for newly website to stand within a market and makes its existence. Studies show that there are some few website which made a tremendous mark in business within a year.

Domain name also does matter. Google penalise exact match domains for spam sites. Researches show that exact match domains that considered to be relevant, valuable, and having high quality can have good ranking. Wisely choose URL for website which reflects your business it helps to have rank higher. 

Take an example of below one, in this manner you need to have significant, relevant domain name for your blog or website. We searched for Car and top result is related to Car website with even the domain name included car in it.

Apart from these domain authority also play important role to get higher rank.

2. Secure and Accessible Website:

Website which is not only secure but easily accessible by Google. We already discussed that google crawls website and takes information regarding that particular website. When google crawling, it analyses the content and its friendliness as a user so that when user's visit the website, it becomes easier for them to understand the content.

       a)     A robot.txt file that tells Google whether it should search and where not for your site.
       b)     Sitemap which should list all of pages of your website.

       c).    Can take help from Well coded website builder i. e from Optionmaster for creating your website.

In terms of security Google prefers website which is having (Security) https in their URL.  So make your website more secure and get higher ranking. 'https' encrypts data between browse and server for its visitors.

3. Indexing pages Correctly:

When we start reading books, we see indexing similar when google bots search for website it looks for pages index correctly. Website link does matter since, link which is simple and easy to understand have higher chances of indexing on google ranking, however if you choose complex link does become challenge for user to revisit and google to understand the same.

If we are searching for anything related to above example of car website like car wale and cardekho are relevant. When we deep dive and look for specific option it should be easy and simple to understand. 

For example searching for Hyundai the page should be related to as below
Simple URL

and not like below with complexity

Similarly, if there are relevant more searches within this topic it should be indexed in the same label/group and not a case where other car make and model are linked with Hyundi make and models.

4. Links:

Of course this is a factor which matters a lot to have a higher rank on search engine, let us take an example 
you want an opinion for your child that which college is better for him and you have two friends one is lecturer and other is event planner so that you are going to take advice from lecturer. let condition  be  like when you supposed to plan any event or party then you are going to discuss with your event planner friend.  It means relevancy works here you are looking for suitable person for specific condition in similar manner in web also links work in terms of relevancy.

There are three types of links to talk about:

  • Inbound Links
  • Outbound Links
  • Internal Links

Inbound Links: 

Google uses this one to know how relevant and authorised your content is. If any authorised site includes your content in their relevant links it is better than any random or spammy site links to your content. 

So your goal should be authoritative sites to link with your content as much as and there should be few inbound links from low quality domains or random ones. This is referred as backlinks.

Outbound Links:

It is vice versa to Inbound Links, means here you are going to have links with the authorised sites which are relevant to your content i.e Outbound Links. 

It's simply means that you do research for your visitors and end up with the most relevant information for them through Outbound Links.  Of course you should only link with authoritative sites so that you can have higher ranking avoid to link with random ones.

Internal Links: 

This is one in which you need to link your own content. It ties the pages with each other which helps Google and users to find your content one by one when they scan information through the links which you are made. It gives a significant value to your content. If if you have some authoritative pages and it is linked to other pages then it helps users to find other pages and it also passes some authority to it. 

Through this linking your pages support each other and become more valuable and authoritative if you have some.

5. High Quality Content:

One of most important factor that helps any website to get high rank. Users visits website or blogs for useful information if they don't get it from content or they don't find it relevant to their queries  then they are not only like to visit your further pages or posts but also they would not going to recommend to some one else. It's the only and only content that engages the audience,  if they find it interesting and worthy then your  web content might can have top ranking. 

See content length matters a lot. Researches and Studies reveal that content which is having larger length helps to gain top ranking in google search. Larger the content means depth of content. How much your article or post is useful and valuable for its users. It should not be duplicated or have redundant content just to increase words count. It means Quality matters here also because Google wants to display the most relevant and significant results for its searches. So your article or blog should covers  all the important and relevant information for which uses are looking for. 

Apart from this Use of visual content also add good value to your posts like usage of images, videos, graphs or charts. It means through visual and pictorial representation of content you can keep your audience to be engaged and form an interest towards your post or article.

6. Place Right Keywords in Place:

Right, relevant, proper and significant Keywords should be appeared in your article. Let us see how keyword plays an important role to have higher rank on Google.

See whenever any user wants an information they make a query on search engine through their keywords. Keywords are the words which describe what is your site is about, which type of content and topics it is covering. So both the keywords (User's Keywords and your site's keyword) should be matched. 

Keywords in title tag, in description and in headings all are important. They provide the strongest relevancy for any query which is entered on search engine. Through this Google can sense what is page about  and can have the information.

If you are not able to decide which type or keyword you can use for you content Google also helps here.
Type anything on Google's Text box and search like the way shown in below image.
You can able to see number of related searches over there, you can use these strings as keywords for your article. 

In similar manner content indent also helps to find proper keywords for your content. 

Keyword having at start of the title tag adds extra benefits than having keywords at the end of title tag.
Apart from this having keywords in descriptions, headings and in further pages binds the information together and generates the signals for Google to identify the usability of content. It means Keywords play vital role to have top in ranking on Google search.

7. Loading Time:

Its most essential factor now a days. As Google wants to improve experience of web users, so if your site pages load slowly then you can not rank at the top. Because web pages which load faster can be at the top on Google search.

Even now Google penalized site which not loaded faster on mobile. So loading time is very important factor. It means your website should be loaded faster on mobile as well as on desktop to get rank higher.

 8. Mobile friendliness:

Now a days everybody has mobile so maximum initial search is done through mobiles.  Count of mobile searches is increasing day by day so your site should have mobile responsiveness also.

Earlier desktop view of sites considered first but now  mobile view has been given more priority. Means Google give priority to the sites which are mobile compatible and displays the results from those sites first. So want to rank at top should have good mobile compatibility for your website. 

Some points to be noted down for mobile responsiveness:

  •  Mobile responsiveness site which should be automatically fit to the size of the device or resizes     itself.
  •  Fonts should be used larger so that on small screen can be readable easily. 
  •  Menus should be included properly so that users can browse and navigate the website . 
  •  Because of ads important information should not be hidden. 

So these are thinks on which one should look upon for having mobile responsiveness of their website.

 9. User Experience:

After all users are the one who use the information your website provides. If they are not satisfy with the content or information they are looking for then how come your website rank at top?

It uses artificial intelligence that are called as signal Rankbrain to rank web pages. See how Google determines worth of your site. 

Click through Rate: After showing results by Google how many people(in percentage) click to your website to visit.

Bounce Rate: How many people click to your website and after that go back quickly to search results page.

Dwell Time: How long people stay to your site after they arrived.

These three points are very important from users perceptive, means people want to visit to your website or not, stay on it or not and if stay then how long??

Let your website has higher bounce rate means people arrive on it but not stay over it, go back in this situation Google get an idea that you don't have content or information in which users are interested. Google thinks you don't have relevant content and it does not allow you to rank at the top.

This indicates that may be people are searching something else and not getting the outputs as they wish
so you need to observe your keywords, may be your content is not matching with search intent.

If People are liking your site and sticking around it and spending time on it, then you can get higher rank on Google.

10. Publishing Virtual Contents:

Google likes the content which is having freshness. It looks for fresh and new content always.

Look at below one, there is two website links is there which is having newest content having rank higher.

See you have published new posts but still it does not having good ranking,  it has lower ranking than article which is published quite earlier because the other article's  content is updated frequently. 
It means if you are publishing new post or article with this  you should update your old ones(article or post) also time to time that will boost your ranking. Through this when Google crawls the web pages it finds your web pages are new and fresh. It seems to be like that fresh content is published on your website.
So Update your  website content regularly and boost the traffic which helps to have higher ranking.

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