Thursday, 7 May 2020

20+ Best way to promote your Blog

When it comes purchase any product for example say clothing people have their own choices and pick their option. They don't walk to a random store but have some options in there mind and visit some specific stores for purchase.

You know why? because they have certain keyword in there mind which redirects them to few places and when you are promoting yourself online you need to make sure of the below points to ensure you have engaged all your customers and not focused only to certain types.

1) Quality:

Writing quality content is most basic and necessary thing for anyone since audience always is after quality content writing and something which could keep them engaged.

2) Attractive Titles

Audience always is attracted towards title just make sure that they are attractive and also relevant to post that your are writing.

3) Don't get Boring - KISS

Make your writing interesting by not writing too lengthy topics but writing in small paras since user may feel bored after sometime if you write too long.

4) Follow your Passion

When you write do make sure that you write on your own and write about what you like the most. Since it's very easy to find duplicate content by Google and your chances in SEO goes down.

5) How other view?

It's important for your to look Neat and Tidy when going outside your home similarly when presenting your business or Idea it's important that it looks catchy and attractive. The template used should be catchy and attractive, that's what audience and customers like and would follow you. It must not be heavy since people might close and move ahead if it takes a long time to open your website.

6) Social Media

Mostly everyone has a social media account and thus it becomes easy to promote your product/website on social media platform. Engage customer by asking questions and leaving link to your product or website. Commonly used are Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

To know insight of promoting the website/blog we are sharing detailed view for this, click here to follow (This is still under construction)

7) E-Mail Promotion

Thanks and Regards is where your email ends mostly followed by name have you ever thought of adding your website link below it. This would not only promote your website buy also show your writing skills to others.

8) Forum

There are many places where people discuss a lot of thing on Internet also known as Online Forum/Groups where you can be a part and share your Ideas. You can also know people about your product and services offered from your end.

9) Videos

Videos are now trending for promotion. If you have content people make video and promote it on youtube to make them follow you. Also video is important since people like things to be explained rather then reading it.

Just to remember your are not making movie so keep your video to defined length.

I have added video from Animaker since I like it too much and is a very good presentation.

10) Pictures

You remember your text books, I bet you don't understand anything till you see a Pic in it. That's the power of adding photo, it attracts audience and also people searching for pic might end up being your customer.

Do remember when adding picture (if possible) should not be a copied from Internet.

11) Feed Subscriber

Always keep Feed Subscribe button on your post as people still like to follow the Feed button.

12) Email Subscriber

Have you ever though that while publishing a new article how would your audience get to know and how would you ever recall your customer. Email subscription has been the best way to keep your audience upto date and engaged.

13) Care about Audience (Visitor Comment)

Always care about your audience. Do keep comment section ON so that people could share their experience and possible interact with you and seek your suggestion.

On contrary be ready for critics as that is giving you chance to improve yourself by knowing what could have been done better, but do keep in mind that you can not make everyone Happy.

14) Don't Restrict - Be Open ( Share Comments)

When you search something you may come across post that may be similar. You should always open to ask about your comment and share feedbacks when required.

15) Create Group - Share Link (Back Links)

Exchanging links with other users is always useful with different content as people might be interested in reading some other articles as well which may be a chance for you or your blogging parter to gain audience.

16) Link Other websites

If you are writing about any website/services do mention the link and not just name which creates an option for you to appear in searches while people search for that specific services.

17) Tweet and Retweet

You should always tweet about your services and keep retweeting them after certain days so that it might reach new audience every time you retweet.

18) Hashtags and Keywords

Use hashtag and Keyword wisely to appear in search options increase your chance of seen. Proper Keyword is must and is preferred to use short keywords against long tails.

19) Quora

It's a community of question and answers where you can ask question and share answer to other problems using your website links.

20) Sharing Buttons

What if someone likes your post and want to share it with other person or group or community. Always remember to add social media and email sharing button so others get a chance of promoting you.

21) Words play Important role

Always make your website promoted by your words to your relatives, friends and members whom you know as they play the most vital role in making your services a success.


The most important option to get traffic. Plays vital role in bringing organic traffic to your website/blog.

Why am I sharing this in last, because this is itself a post to be published separately and has many steps to follow which I would try and share in the next few days

Do have something for me I would be more interested since learning is always fun and methods are never ending.

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